Wednesday, April 13, 2011

THIRD Trimester

Somehow, we are in the third trimester. It doesn't seem possible, but we're here. I definitely look very pregnant.... and am definitely garnering unsolicited tummy touches at work. Oh well. I wouldn't mind if people asked. I have also started with the swollen ankles, making my legs resemble Hillary Clinton's. Not exactly pleased about that, but I'm trying to keep my feet elevated because that apparently helps. They have been better this week - this weekend (after wearing heels for 6 hours on Saturday in "Ragtime") it was particularly painful. I should be recovered just in time to do 4 more shows this weekend. Ouch just thinking about it.

This week I have my glucose test, then next week yet another ultrasound. I have to say, I feel spoiled with the number of ultrasounds I get. My friend who is just a couple of years younger than me has only had one so far.... and I'm heading in for my fifth or sixth next week. I would recommend that everyone be of advanced maternal age for the sheer number of bonus tests I get.

We finally got around to registering. I have never had great experiences at Babies R Us so was kind of dreading going there... but going on a Sunday evening was a good plan because the place was pretty much empty. We also did a small registry for stuff Babies R Us didn't have at Shaun's favorite toy store, Magic Beans. My sister provided us with a great list of "here's what you really need" and I've also gotten great advice (and great second-hand stuff!) from my fabulous friends. It made registering slightly less intimidating, and I am glad to have that checked off the list.

We were so excited to find a huge box delivered to us - a handmade rocking horse from my sister's best friend from high school's parents! It's beautiful and I can't wait to have that second room cleaned out so we can start decorating and find a spot for him. That will come in due time.... once Shaun finishes classes for the semester and we can really focus. I told you, this third trimester stuff crept up really quickly!

Not much else to report - she's kicking all the time and definitely makes her presence known. I am cultivating an appreciation for showtunes based on my music choices in the car - I wouldn't have it any other way. And Shaun is really enjoying picking stuff out for her - the "My First Fishbowl" on the Magic Beans registry is a total Daddy pick. (He is also the one who thinks that we'll be making our own baby food. I offer no guarantees.)


  1. I saw the baby food maker & accessories and had no doubts that was all Shaun :) Keep off those feet, Hillary. Love you!

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. I am so gonna try to shop some tonight! Woooohooo!!!!!
