Tuesday, February 8, 2011


Today we're at 16 weeks, which means the baby is the size of an avocado. I like being back in the world of fruits I recognize.

I am in the final throws of the longest documented cold on record. At least, it feels that way. I'm just congested, but much better than I was last week at this time. Still, going on 2 weeks with a cold isn't fabulous.

On Sunday night I slipped on some ice and had a fall-- fortunately it was on my butt and there is ample padding there. It was a little scary for a second, and I'm sore, but the baby appears to be fine and I'll be fine too... once I get used to sleeping only on my side, because sleeping on my back is still too painful. Never a dull moment around these parts, I swear.

Otherwise, when I'm not sneezing, coughing, blowing my nose or complaining about my back hurting, I'm doing well. Work hasn't been very busy, and the rehearsals for "Ragtime" are going pretty well. I go for my appointment with my OB on Thursday, and then the ultrasound in which we find out the baby's gender (or in my words, "we find out what kind of baby we're getting") is 2 weeks from Friday. So that's the next big milestone... I can't wait for that!

1 comment:

  1. Get used to lying on your side, sistah! Once you get to like 20 weeks you can't lay on your back for fear of cutting of blood supply to yourself!
